Prep Time : 5 Minutes
Cook Time : 10 Minutes
Ingredients :
3 Chicken breasts
White Wine
Garlic Powder
Sweet White Wine or Grape Juice
1 Lemon
1 Spoon Thick Soy Sauce
1 Spoon Teriyaki Sauce
Sea Salt & Pepper
Pinch of Hot Chili Powder or a finely chopped hot chili
Directions :
Mix all the ingredients except the Paprika in a bowl. Squeeze the lemon in the mix.
Sprinkle the Paprika on the chicken Lightly
Heat a pan with oil till the oil sizzles.
Quickly put the paprika covered chicken and fry over for 30 Second each side.
The chicken should be slightly whitened.
Once the chicken is out of the pan make slight cuts with a serrated knife not cutting to deep.
Dip the chicken into the bowl and let sit for a few minutes each.
Put the chicken into the frying pan and pour any left over juice equally as you fry/grill them.
Serve and enjoy
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